The Cincinnati Enquirer
2006 Photography Contest

Words - Cincinnati Enquirer 2006 Award Winning Photograph
Travel Contest The Cincinnati Enquirer

Dennis Camp Photography Award StoryReaching for a friend pictureThis picture was also submitted to the contest and awarded a honorable mention. The title is "The Wall" The picture is of a man stenciling the name on paper of a friend who's name is on the Vietnam Memorial Wall. The 2006 Cincinnati Enquirer Travel Photography Contest was filled with some very good works by over 2500 entries. I was humbled but happy to have been chosen as a winner.

The winning picture for people "Words" was a moment in time while on vacation with my family. Max had walked up to the wall to read Lincoln's words and my wife Mindy pointed him out to me. I was surprised he was there all alone since the Lincoln Memorial was very crowed that day do to many of the museums being closed do to flooding.

Cincinnati Enquirer 2006 Travel Photography Contest

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